Sunday, June 15, 2008

Make as much as $68, just 6 short weeks!

Internet Marketing Newbies
and make as much as $68, just 6 short weeks!

By Brian Douglas
Self Made Internet Multi Millionaire
La Costa, California

Dear Internet Friend,

Are you hoping that I'm different? Is this the third, fourth, or maybe even fifth site you've come to, hoping to find the secret to online income success? If so, you're definitely not alone. There are literally hundreds of websites out there, and each one of them is asking for your hard-earned cash. $20 here, $30 there, and before you know it you've spent hundreds of dollars on useless eBooks and gotten nowhere.

Are you pissed off? You have every right to be. You've been let down. You've been cheated. You've every right to be pissed. Heck, in your shoes, even a Buddhist monk would be ticked off.

But I know why you've been site-hopping. I know why you've been scouring the web and downloading and reading every eBook in existence... You're looking for answers. You have burning questions...

Questions about Blogging, Affiliate Marketing, Copywriting, AdSense, Pay Per Click (PPC), Search Engine Optimization (SEO)... You want to know about niches, you want to know about YouTube, you want to know everything you can. And that's a good thing. The problem is that everyone on the net is trying to sell you their version of what's right and they keep forgetting... you're new to all of this!
How many times have you started reading an eBook only to find yourself lost? Ever had to read another eBook just to be able to understand the last one you bought? I sure have. It sucks like an industrial-strength vacuum cleaner. After all, what you really want is to be able to wake up tomorrow, check your email and discover that you've made your first sale.

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